Tuesday, June 12, 2012

24 hours into my experiment...

over 24hrs w/o any animal products... first and foremost, i slept better!  No sleeping pills and i woke up fresh.   Very odd.  Woke up, had a Kale, Banana, Silk, Superfood Powder and Almond Smoothie.  I could get down with this, it's quick and filling plus i almost feel like im absorbing all of it right away.  Could be in my head but from what i've learned, as long as i believe it, thats all that matters.  My mind controls some odd shit. 
     Just finished "Finding Ultra" and aside from the inspiration, i read something really interesting about microbes.  Without going into too many details, it stated that research has shown that microbes (Living breathing crap in your belly) could actually influence your brain and what types of food it craves.  They cited (Cited, gotta love how college is fucking up my vocabulary) the movie supersize me and how the main character ate mcdonalds for 30 days straight. 
     Well at first he hated eating all that junk food and within the first few days got sick to his stomach, couldn't sleep and constantly puked all the garbage he was injesting.  After a few days all these symptoms subsided and instead he began to crave bigmacs and all those other foods from mcdonalds.  Eventually he'd feel like crap and only felt better once he ingested that garbage.  MicroBiologists somewhere in the UK or Switzerland.. i dunno man, somewhere out there..  explained that it was due the growth of new microbes in his body that fed and thrived off the new junk food he was feeding himself. 
     Apparently, microbes that grow in your belly thrive off of certain foods so with changing his eating habits, he grew new microbes that needed mcdonalds.  These microbes supposedly play on your neurotransmitters...  i dunno man..  and tell your brain what to crave.  The old microbes that hated mcdonalds, died off.  SO in a nutshell...  microbes controll what you crave and you control what microbes grow in your gut.  you crave shit because the microbes tell you to crave it.  you don't NEED IT!  like i feel i NEED Milk and Meat...  thats a whole nother blog i'll expand on as i further get brainwashed into this plant-based diet. 
     all in all so far so good.  Thank god i have such a supportive GF.  All i could ever hope for i have..  A GF who supports all my crazy ideas, lord knows without her, i couldn't do anything i do.  Love you sally!

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